Primary Bed Renovation: ORC, Week 8... the FINALE!
It’s finale reveal week! I noticed this week as I finished some items up, it was hard to even remember where we started… this was fun to look back on and remember how much of an undertaking this was!
→ Check out the other One Room Challenge guest participant finale reveal posts!
→ Watch my process videos on Instagram — saved to the “orc main bed” highlight!
We had a little anniversary getaway planned the week of the ORC Fall 2022 finale — so prepping for that left my “final touches” list a bit unfinished. It’s mostly decorative things that I really like to take my time and make the right decisions on, though — I’d much prefer to take my time and get it RIGHT rather than just rush to grab the first thing I see because I need it DONE.
Here are a couple before/afters — my husband is a much better photographer than me, though so I’m adding some more when we’re back from our trip!
First, a reminder where we started:
And now!
I still have some finishing touches I need to do when we get back, and some “styling” things I’ll probably take my time on! Things always take longer than expected, so here are the ORC things I didn’t get to during the 8-week allotment:
Veneer and seal the top of the dresser (to make it look like one solid piece)
Make large format artwork for the south-facing wall
Door hardware for sliding door (it was backordered/sold out)
And then I want to find some good, thoughtful decorative pieces for the dresser (a cool lamp maybe?), art above the bed.